Dynamo-Fukushima, a monumental and participative installation by Yann Toma, RMN Grand Palais, Paris, 2011.
After the triple disaster that hit the Japanese peninsula in March 2011, Yann Toma, President for Life of Ouest-Lumière, is installing in September 2011 a participatory and energy-producing work in the Nave of the Grand Palais, in support of the victims of the Fukushima events.
Through federative and joyful devices including a hundred bicycles and balloons of 5 meters in diameter suspended at a height of 8 meters, Ouest-Lumière and its President invite the public to become active and productive while living an immobile and at the same time metaphorical journey. For two days, a micro-organism will pedal to supply light energy to Yann Toma's installation, which transforms the largest glass roof in Europe into an immense antenna of light entirely turned towards the Japanese population. According to Yann Toma, the purpose of this form of collective energy diffusion is to stimulate the creation of an electrical circulation, to link us and to set us in motion for the future of our planet and of humanity. It is a question of doing a common work and of being directly connected, by what Edouard Glissant considers as a "thought of trembling".

Yann Toma Dynamo-Fukushima Grand Palais from Yann Toma on Vimeo.